Tuesday, December 7, 2010

It has Been Awhile!!

Lots of changes have taken place with Kikis!! First has been the addition of a parnter which I am SO excited to be able to work with!! Next she has come up with an AWESOME name and we will now be known as Spoiled Rotten. The new website will be: www.spoiledrottenshop.com. The old address will still work, however none of the side links have been published, so to get the FULL site access only the full site will work.

So here is how to contact us:
Kendra: kendra.gully@angelo.edu
Lacy: lacy.chesser@hotmail.com

Facebook: Kikis Kreations or type in Spoiled Rotten.
The Spoiled Rotten page will provide links to Kikis.

Website: www.spoiledrottenshop.com!!!
NEW BLOG: www.spoiledrottenshop.blogspot.com

Will be actually updating the website with new graphics and info in the next coming weeks. We are just so excited!!! And last but not least there will be a new blog. Showcasing out new name and look!! Primarily going to be for holding contest, drawings and fun tidbits of info!!! Thanks so much for visiting and head on over to the spoiled rotten blog at: